Just a single exercise workout has positive effects on learning and memory in young adults, according to a recent review of published studies.
The review, which is published in Translational Sports Medicine, included 13 relevant studies. The types of exercise that were studied involved walking, running, and bicycling in individuals between 18 to 35 years of age.
Investigators found that aerobic exercise for 2 minutes to 1 hour at moderate to high intensity improved attention, concentration, and learning and memory functions for up to 2 hours. They noted that the results may have important education-related implications.
“Exercise makes you smart,” said co-author Peter Blomstrand, MD, PhD, of County Hospital Ryhov and Jönköping University, in Sweden.
Additional Information
Link to Study: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/tsm2.190
About Journal
Translational Sports Medicine promotes all aspects of sports medicine that combines basic science with clinical science by exploring the translational pathway between mechanistic research and conceptually novel insight into human exercise activities, either in relation to diagnosis, treatment, performance or prevention of diseases or sports injuries.
The Journal provides an international forum for the publication of high quality original research in sports medicine sciences and invites submissions covering also multidisciplinary studies within both biomedicine and behavioral adaptation of the human body in relation to physical activity.
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